Challenge Labs - 365 Days All Access Pass (LODS-CL-AAP)

The All Access Pass is a 365-day subscription that includes access to 500+ hands-on labs related to multiple platforms and technologies, including Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Linux, Cybersecurity, and AWS.

Challenge labs are goal oriented, short-duration, scenario-based hands-on exercises. Ideal for cloud technologies, they provide skills development and assessments across multiple platforms and technologies. They are useful before, during and/or after training.

  • Before – As an assessment tool to determine what course someone may need to take.
  • During – As a way to provide safe practice opportunities during a course.
  • After – A continuing education tool that allows safe practice opportunities.

Challenge Labs are designed to extend and expand your learning experience with hands-on, scenario-based exercises. Challenge Labs are different from traditional labs, they provide you with high level guidance and requirements as opposed to detailed step-by-step instructions and designed specifically to provoke thought.

New challenge labs are continually being released, and you will gain automatic access to them for the duration of your subscription. 

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  • IT Professionals who are looking to keep up to date on ever changing features and functionality in cloud platforms
  • IT Professionals who are responsible for supporting multiple technologies
  • IT Professional/Developers who are preparing for vendor certification exams
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Challenge Labs Levels

There are three levels of Challenges included in your All Access Pass:

  • Guided - Step-by-step instructions with detailed hints [Duration ~ 30 minutes]
  • Advanced- Given requirements, students utilize resource information [Duration ~ 45 minutes]
  • Expert - Spans multiple products, technologies, and platforms [Duration ~ 60 minutes]

Sample Challenge Lab Topics

  • Implement Multifactor Authentication for Azure AD Users [Guided]
  • Can You Manage a Serverless Compute Environment? [Advanced]
  • Can You Deliver Secure Services to Your Organization? [Expert]
  • Can You Manage Users and Groups Windows and Linux? [Advanced]
  • Can You Configure Patch Management in Linux and Windows? [Advanced]
  • Can You Configure an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Infrastructure? [Advanced]
  • Can You Maintain an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Database? [Advanced]
  • Implement Elastic Compute Cloud Instances and Elastic Load Balancing [Guided]
  • Create a Launch Template for use with EC2 Autoscaling [Guided]
  • Can You Create a New EC2 Instance to Serve as an Image? [Advanced]