Getting Started with Kubernetes and Google Container Engine (GO6591)

This five-hour class equips you to containerize workloads in Docker containers, deploy them to Kubernetes clusters provided by Google Kubernetes Engine, and scale those workloads to handle increased traffic. Students also learn how to continuously deploy new code in a Kubernetes cluster to provide application updates.

Learn to containerize workloads in Docker containers, deploy them to Kubernetes clusters provided by Google Kubernetes Engine, and scale those workloads to handle increased traffic. You also learn how to continuously deploy new code in a Kubernetes cluster to provide application updates.

Target Audience

  • Application developers, Cloud Solutions Architects, DevOps Engineers, IT managers.
  • Individuals using Google Cloud Platform to create new solutions or to integrate existing systems, application environments, and infrastructure with the Google Cloud Platform.


In this course you will learn:

  • Understand container basics.
  • Containerize an existing application.
  • Understand Kubernetes concepts and principles.
  • Deploy applications to Kubernetes using the CLI.
  • Set up a continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins


To get the most out of this course, participants should have:

  • Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments, as well as Web server
  • Systems Operations experience including deploying and managing applications, either on-premises or in a public cloud environment.
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Module 1: Introduction to Containers and Docker

  • Acquaint yourself with containers, Docker, and the Google Container RegistryCreate a container.
  • Package a container using Docker.
  • Store a container image in Google Container Registry.
  • Launch a Docker container.

Module 2: Kubernetes Basics

  • Deploy an application with microservices in a Kubernetes cluster.Provision a complete Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes Engine.
  • Deploy and manage Docker containers using kubectl.
  • Break an application into microservices using Kubernetes’ Deployments and Services.

Module 3: Deploying to Kubernetes

  • Create and manage Kubernetes deployments.Create a Kubernetes deployment.
  • Trigger, pause, resume, and rollback updates.
  • Understand and build canary deployments.

Module 4: Continuous Deployment with Jenkins

  • Build a continuous delivery pipeline.Provision Jenkins in your Kubernetes cluster.
  • Create a Jenkins pipeline.
  • Implement a canary deployment using Jenkins.